nexxel's avatar Shoubhit Dash


Are you actually 17?!


Why is your name nexxel?


When did you start coding?

Technically in 6th grade but seriously in December 2021.

How did you learn to code?

Building stuff.

What programming languages do you know?

I’m most comfortable with TypeScript and Python. I also write some Rust and Go.

What are you working on nowadays?

Nothing big at the moment. Mostly studying and maintaining create-t3-app.

What is your favourite web framework?

Remix has got to be my favourite framework, It isn’t perfect, but I still enjoy writing code with Remix. I’m also loving Astro at the moment. Solid Start is promising.

Did you build create-t3-app?

I started it, the community built it. If you don’t know, create-t3-app is the quickest way to start a web app with the full stack typesafety.

What code editor do you use?

I use Neovim and the occasional VSCode.

What terminal emulator do you use?

I use Alacritty. It’s great.

What theme do you use?

I use Kanagawa for Neovim and Alacritty, and poimandres for VSCode.

What font do you use for coding?

I use Hack (also being used in this website) for my terminal and Dank Mono for coding.